Startup Supporters

These companies, freelancers and institutions work together with startups and founders and support your business in the early stages. Add your company

Kieltsch Gründungsberatung

Kieltsch Gründungsberatung Freelancers

Weil der Schritt, etwas eigenes aufzubauen, Spass machen darf. Ich spreche aus Erfahrung. Grants & Programs

Bithand Service Providers

"Bithand ist ein Unternehmen, das auf maßgeschneiderte Software- und Hardwarelösungen spezialisiert ist und Expertise im Bereich Embedded Design und Softwareent Technology & Development
Leif Hase - Business Sparring

Leif Hase - Business Sparring Freelancers

Mit Finanzexpertise dafür sorgen, dass Gründer*innen erfolgreich ihre Vision umsetzen können! Sales & Distribution Finance & Controlling Network & Matchmaking Consulting & Coaching
MuchMore Software House

MuchMore Software House Service Providers

MuchMore is a software house dedicated to supporting startups in turning their ideas into successful products. Technology & Development Marketing & Reach Design & Creative Services Consulting & Coaching
Simulton GmbH

Simulton GmbH Service Providers

We provide Materials Science, Robotics, Electronics and Machine/Computer Vision Services. Production & Manufacturing

JADAKA Service Providers

JADAKA supports founders in operationalising their visions through strong operations & finance management from the start. Sales & Distribution Legal & Insurance HR & Recruiting Finance & Controlling Consulting & Coaching
Hope Khoury

Hope Khoury Accelerators/Incubators

Experienced COO & co-founder, here to empower startups with strategic insights and operational guidance. Let’s turn visions into success. Production & Manufacturing Sales & Distribution Marketing & Reach Design & Creative Services Consulting & Coaching

VISION HOCH DREI - Beate Mader Freelancers

Gründungsberaterin (AVGS-Gründungscoaching), Kommunikationsgenialistin. Netzwerkerin und Netzwerkgründerin. Coworking-Betreiberin. Marketing & Reach Network & Matchmaking Office & Coworking Consulting & Coaching
Fantaclaus Technologies Private Limited

Fantaclaus Technologies Private Limited Service Providers

Team of AI/ML experts. Over 30 years experience between the founders in area of algorithms and Machine Learning. We offer 'Chief AI officer' Technology & Development
Ali Hussein | Frontend Developer

Ali Hussein | Frontend Developer Freelancers

I specialize in creating clean UI designs and intuitive UX for AI-driven web applications Technology & Development
Albus Vision UG (haftungsbeschränkt)

Albus Vision UG (haftungsbeschränkt) Service Providers

Wir entwickeln deine Produktidee für dich ganzheitlich und geben dir alles Wichtige für einen erfolgreichen Start als Innovator*in mit. Technology & Development Production & Manufacturing Sales & Distribution Design & Creative Services Consulting & Coaching
Gurzu Inc

Gurzu Inc Service Providers

Gurzu is a software outsourcing service company, specializing in helping businesses to stay competitive in today’s digital landscape. Technology & Development Marketing & Reach Design & Creative Services
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