Startup Supporters

These companies, freelancers and institutions work together with startups and founders and support your business in the early stages. Add your company

Kieltsch Gründungsberatung

Kieltsch Gründungsberatung Freelancers

Weil der Schritt, etwas eigenes aufzubauen, Spass machen darf. Ich spreche aus Erfahrung. Grants & Programs
Futury GmbH

Futury GmbH Accelerators/Incubators

Futury ist eine Gründungs- und Innovationsplattform mit einem Fokus auf Nachhaltigkeit, Innovation und Entrepreneurship. Grants & Programs
Next Commerce Acclerator (NCA)

Next Commerce Acclerator (NCA) Investors

NCA offers a startup acceleration program. We are an early-stage investment fund that empowers founders to succeed. Grants & Programs
MeVis Startups

MeVis Startups Accelerators/Incubators

Wir unterstützen Gründer:innen, ihre Healthcare-Idee in ein innovatives Produkt umzuwandeln und gemeinsam ein Healthcare Startup zu gründen. Grants & Programs
VICTORIA Incubator

VICTORIA Incubator Academic/University

Der Smart City Event Incubator an der VICTORIA | Internationale Hochschule Grants & Programs
Founder Insitute Inc.

Founder Insitute Inc. Accelerators/Incubators

The Founder Institute is the world's largest pre-seed startup accelerator, having helped launch over 5,000 companies across 200+ cities. Grants & Programs
inQventures GmbH

inQventures GmbH Investors

Wir fördern Start-ups in den Bereichen Fintech, Insurtech, IoT und weiteren Kernbranchen der adesso Group. Grants & Programs
Digihub Düsseldorf/Rheinland

Digihub Düsseldorf/Rheinland Government/Municipality

Wir digitalisieren NRW gemeinsam mit Dir & vielen starken Partnern. Grants & Programs

InnovationLabs.Berlin Service Providers

InnovationLabs.Berlin - The startup and scaleup eco-system of Berlin, enabling companies to build transformational digital solutions. Grants & Programs
EIT Climate-KIC | The EU's main climate innovation initiative

EIT Climate-KIC | The EU's main climate innovation initiative Government/Municipality

Climate-KIC - We are Europe’s leading climate innovation initiative Grants & Programs
Techstars Central

Techstars Central Investors

Working with you to unleash your potential - Access to capital, mentorship, talent, and infrastructure. Grants & Programs
SpinLab - The HHL Accelerator

SpinLab - The HHL Accelerator Accelerators/Incubators

SpinLab – The HHL Accelerator supports entrepreneurial teams in growing and creating innovative businesses. Grants & Programs
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