Your search 25 km around Manchester resulted in the following hits:
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Helping households save on everyday purchases by connecting them with exclusive group-buying deals from local businesses, driving community support. B2B B2C Mobile AppsHireArtist
Empowering artists by connecting them to opportunities that enhance their careers and fulfill their creative potential. Art B2C Creativity E-Commerce Education Marketplace / PlatformYourCocoon
YourCocoon is a platform designed to support women of colour on their journey to motherhood from pregnancy, postpartum and loss. Healthcare Research and DevelopmentGotGotNeed
Disrupt the collectibles space. Decreasing buyer/seller fees. Connecting hobbyists and facilitating buying/selling and trading. E-CommerceMusicame
creating a revolutionary music app designed to connect users through their shared love of music. Music Social NetworksLee Stone
Strong commercial acumen, a deal maker, and nimble across a multitude of different domestic and international markets. Employee Co-FounderLewis Sopp
Looking to build the future of collective bulk purchasingHossein Jannati
Connecting Talent with OpportunityDavid Chamberlain
Just getting started.Hamed Un Nisa
The work never stops
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