Your search 25 km around Kraków resulted in the following hits:

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Transforming frontend development learning through AI-guided, real-world projects, gamification, and a collaborative community experience. Automation Education Games
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Medhat Adel Emam
Medhat Adel Emam
"Driving Growth, Solving Challenges, and Making an Impact" Employee Co-Founder
Amit Roy
Amit Roy
Whatever it takes! Co-Founder
Adrian Bigaj
Adrian Bigaj
Earn, share, care. Employee
Damian Naglak
Damian Naglak
Looking for domain expert Employee Co-Founder
Spacetech in heritage science
Giancarlo Cubeta
Giancarlo Cubeta
Looking for a Java/SpringBoot/Spark Engineer for a fintech project
If you can dream about it, you can do it! Co-Founder Employee
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