Your search for "Internet of Things" resulted in the following hits:
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Co-Founder/ CIO
Als Plattformanbieter bauen wir zusammen mit unseren Kunden ein virtuelles Speicherkraftwerk! Co-Founder
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Olav Schettler
Ich bin ein erfahrener, pragmatischer Software-Entwickler und Produktmanager. Das begeistert mich: Bildung, IoT, Sprachassistenten, AI Co-FounderChristoph Baier
Matching startups & innovative companies for cooperation & openinnovation. Cofounder @Ambivation. Focus on Cleantech, Big Data, AI, IoT & Industry 4.0. Co-FounderMarek Sonnabend
I have a strong IT background, an entrepreneurial mindset. My favourite topics are Blockchain/Crypto, Investing, Sports, Traveling and Education (my own: MBA). Co-FounderJan G.
technologie-interessierter Entwickler/Business Developer sucht Web-Marketing-affines Gegengewicht für den Aufbau einer Plattform. Co-Founder EmployeeDenis Berkovich
Focus on building exciting businesses and driving purposeful initiatives. Co-Founder
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