Your search for "Innovations" resulted in the following hits:

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Menschen machen Fehler sonst wäre am Bleistift kein Radiergummi.
Senior Cloud Architect - innovation of enterprises with Capgemini, Microsoft, AWS in automotive++ 🚀 | Focus on scale 📈, leadership, innovation, technology 💡 Co-Founder
Jakub Jamný
Jakub Jamný
Driven by innovation, ready to turn ideas into impact. Co-Founder
Simon Schlosser
Simon Schlosser
Alles ist ist möglich, man muss nur die richtige Lösung finden. Niemals aufgeben bis seine Ziele und Träume erreicht wurden. Employee Co-Founder
If you do what you love, you never work a day in your life. Employee Co-Founder
Suche Mitgründer
Jan Willumeit
Jan Willumeit
Let's create a hyperlocal social network that enhances people's real-life connections! We help building and maintaining meaningful relationships. Employee Co-Founder
Artem Kirkov
Artem Kirkov
Professional software developer with passion for innovations and technologies. I have an experience working as a CTO and looking for a co-founder. Co-Founder
Bruno Schäfer
Bruno Schäfer
Life shrinks or expands with one's courage! Co-Founder
Viktoriia Potishuk
Viktoriia Potishuk
Business Consultant, Researcher, Venture Coach Co-Founder
Jonerta Prenga
Jonerta Prenga
Kreative Lösungen für eine bessere Zukunft
Experienced as manager and consultant. As general manager, senior sales manager, product manager, I got a lot of experience. Co-Founder
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