Your search for "Tennis" resulted in the following hits:

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CMO / Head of Sales
CMO / Head of Sales
Tennis Cast bietet digitales Infotainment für Tennis Clubs an. Unsere Mission ist Amateursport besser erlebbar zu machen. Co-Founder
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Jannis Dikeoulias
Jannis Dikeoulias
Turning Visions into Ventures: Empowering Innovation for a Better Tomorrow. Co-Founder
Benjamin Krause
Benjamin Krause
Unternehmer mit positivem Bauchgefühl. Co-Founder
Ilya Shinkarenko
Ilya Shinkarenko
Amateur Sport dürch digitales Infotainment mehr erlebbar machen Co-Founder
Fabian Reis
Fabian Reis
Connecting top-quality healthcare professionals from Latin America with leading medical facilities in Germany Co-Founder
Die hard, stay young. Employee Co-Founder
Jonas Busch
Jonas Busch
"The impediment to action advances action. What stands in the way becomes the way." - Marcus Aurelius Co-Founder
Andreas Kitzing
Andreas Kitzing
Founder and CEO of Sponsoo. We're gonna disrupt the sports sponsorship industry. Co-Founder
Auf der Suche nach echten Teamplayer*innen die Lust haben etwas gemeinsam aufzubauen. Employee Co-Founder
Martin M.
Martin M.
Passionate elelctrical engineering looking for startups to cooperate as cofounder Co-Founder
Neugierde, Vision, schnelle Begeisterungsfähigkeit & Flexibilität Co-Founder
IT - individuell & nachhaltig Employee Co-Founder
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