Your search for "Business Analysis" resulted in the following hits:

Eliminate the Headaches of Startup Development
Eliminate the Headaches of Startup Development
Aim to quickly make an MVP, test hypotheses, and raise funds? Whatever your goals are, we’ll help achieve them. Technology & Development
Market access, growth and innovation - strategic partner for healthcare and life sciences founders and start-ups
Market access, growth and innovation - strategic partner for healthcare and life sciences founders and start-ups
Please contact Camilla to discuss how she can support your business goals and challenges to accelerate growth and maximise commercial impact Consulting & Coaching
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Prasad devendra chougule
Prasad devendra chougule
Co-found a successful startup Co-Founder
Tanya Markosyan
Tanya Markosyan
I help startups easily achieve compliances (PCI DSS, SOC2, GDPR, HIPAA), help them build their products and connect them with trusted software development teams Co-Founder
Camilla-Rose Hamilton
Camilla-Rose Hamilton
Forward-thinking Business and Strategy Consultant- market entry, growth and innovation, commercial impact Co-Founder
Mit Vision, Empathie und Spass bin ich dabei! Co-Founder
Zahhar Kirillov
Zahhar Kirillov
Better 'Done' than Perfect Co-Founder
Zielstrebiger Marketingprofi mit Routine in der Strategieentwicklung, Umsetzung und Erfolgskontrolle von on- und offline Kampagnen Employee
Khurram Sajjad
Khurram Sajjad
I am a software developer with years of experience in Management looking for new challenges always. Co-Founder
Anastasiya Zatyshniak
Anastasiya Zatyshniak
Designing pleasure into user experience Employee Co-Founder
Eddie Gordon Moses Krause
Eddie Gordon Moses Krause
Ambitionierte und engagierte Person, aktuell in Vollzeit tätig. Auf der Suche nach internationalen Projekten. Co-Founder
Pragmatic, goal-oriented, passionate in technology. Let's change the world! Co-Founder Mentor
I would like to meet like-minded people! Co-Founder
Amit Sinha
Amit Sinha
Collaborate to Innovate Co-Founder
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