Your search for "Software Developent" resulted in the following hits:

Startup Consulting / CTO / Technical Cofounder
Startup Consulting / CTO / Technical Cofounder
Helping digital era entrepreneurs. Technology & Development
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Julian Psotta
Julian Psotta
Spezialist für Geoinformatik, Routing und Datenanalyse mit Fokus auf der Entwicklung von spannenden, zukunftsfähigen und innovativen Lösungen. Co-Founder
Artem Kirkov
Artem Kirkov
Professional software developer with passion for innovations and technologies. I have an experience working as a CTO and looking for a co-founder. Co-Founder
Unternehmer, der ehrgeizig und leidenschaftlich arbeitet Co-Founder
Zielstrebiger, verrückter und um die Ecke denkender Mensch :) Employee Co-Founder
Tarek Selem
Tarek Selem
Let’s develop our life together! Employee Co-Founder
Ruslan Yalovenko
Ruslan Yalovenko
Outcome over output. Agile software product development, engineering management, and software architecture. Involved in all stages of Web Application lifecycle. Co-Founder
Product Manager for TECH Employee Co-Founder
Chethan Babu
Chethan Babu
Develop a startup with a potential impact using AI Co-Founder
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