Your search for "CRM und CX" resulted in the following hits:

CRM & Email Marketing
CRM & Email Marketing
Data-driven Email Marketing // Consultant / Speaker / Author / MarTech Founder Marketing & Reach
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Corey Wright
Corey Wright
I love entrepreneurs. I love doing new things. I love solving problems. I love working in startups. Even though it's f****** hard! Co-Founder
Carina Meyer
Carina Meyer
I use my passion for marketing and strategic development to create creative and effective solutions that strengthen brands in the long term. Co-Founder
Nick Sethia
Nick Sethia
Go out and make things happen! Co-Founder
Anne Hartmann
Anne Hartmann
Time to step up. Co-Founder Employee
Have fun making the world better! Co-Founder Employee
Carmen Schrodt
Carmen Schrodt
Aktive Beteiligung im Management eines Gruppenreiseveranstalters für aktive Outdoor-Touren, Familien-Sportcamps Gemeinnützige gGmbH für Betreute Jugend-Ferien-Sportcamps und regionale Sport-im-Ganztag Angebote für Schulen / Schulbetreuung Co-Founder Mentor
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