Your search for "Unternehmensberater" resulted in the following hits:
Innovation & Startup Expert • Venture Consultant • Founder & Executive Sparring
tl;dr -> Yoda for corporate transformation. Embrace change, you can. Fear, you must not! Consulting & CoachingCFO
Wir bilden erfolgreiche Teams aus Gründern und Profisportlern. Uns alle verbindet dabei die Motivation eine positive Zukunft zu gestalten. Co-Founder
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Christoph Obholzer
Erfahrener General-Counsel aus der Pharmaindustrie (Novartis, Sandoz, DR. KADE), Startup-Experience in SaaS, (novel) Food, Pharma, Healthcare. Business Angel Co-Founder MentorRighi Rasoa
By leveraging entrepreneurship, I strive to address the challenges of our world and foster positive, sustainable transformation. Co-Founder
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