Your search for "Frontend" resulted in the following hits:
Tech-Lösung sofort & Coaching bei Team-Aufbau - Schnell am Markt mit internen Kompetenzen
Tech-Lösung sofort von uns als Experten, parallel helfen wir euch bei der Team-Zusammenstellung und Coaching. Super für Investoren. Consulting & CoachingWebapp Protoype Basic
Die Grundlage eines Webapp Prototypen mit Laravel, VueJS, TailwindCSS und CI/CD über Github. Technology & DevelopmentMVP Design und Entwicklung (End to End)
Sucht Ihr eine langfristige Lösung für Eure Software-Entwicklung? Wir unterstützen Startups als Co-Founder und Partner. Technology & DevelopmentWir unterstützen Ihre Projekte
KNOW HOW im IT Bereich für jeden digitalen Bedarf Technology & Development
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Noel Schenk
I love building amazing experiences. I love working with πΜΆπΜΆπΜΆπ£ΜΆπ’ΜΆ ambitious designers. I love creating things that can't be done. Employee Co-FounderOliver
Ich helfe Startups dabei, digitale Plattformen und Produktideen im Rekordtempo aufzubauen. #MVP #Webentwicklung #Produktdesign Business Angel Employee Co-FounderJens
Experienced End-to-End Product Manager and Executive (B2C & B2B, Startup & Corporate). Full-Stack Developer. Recognized Marketing Expert. Employee Co-Founder MentorAbdullah Okmen
Full Stack Web Developer || Frontend Software Entwickler || MERN Stack - React.js - Node.js - Express.js - MongoDB - JavaScript - Docker - Redux Toolkit EmployeeStefan Schablowski
German. Software. Engineer.Valentin Minkov
Enthusiastic web developer seeking to join exciting projects that drive change, bringing fresh ideas and strong technical expertise. EmployeeDenis Voropaev
In space there is no north, in space there is no south, in space there is no east, in space there is no west Co-FounderÜmit Eroglu
Full-Stack Entrepreneur (Tech/Product/Growth) looking for Co-Founders with strong Product | Design | Marketing expertise.
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