Your search for "Sustainable Energy" resulted in the following hits:

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CTO / Software Developer (m/w/d) / Co-Founder
CTO / Software Developer (m/w/d) / Co-Founder
Our vision is to improve the mental health of children and young people. We want to develop a mobile app that prevents mental health symptoms from emerging. Co-Founder
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It remains impossible until someone just realizes it. Co-Founder
Marco Rohner
Marco Rohner
Herausgeber. Aus Zürich. Will mitgründen. Sucht Mitgründer. Co-Founder
Founding a startup focused on circular and sustainable 3d printing and looking for a co-founder with knowledge in technology and 3d printing (ideally)
Bernard Robak
Bernard Robak
Sales/Innovation/Sustainability Co-Founder Employee
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