Your search for "Distributed Systems" resulted in the following hits:
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We believe in Security, Transparency and Accountability. We raise awareness of the value of our belongings and their lifecycles. Co-Founder
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Richard Hundt
Creator of things which save time, solve problems and add value, with cutting edge technology. Co-FounderBenjamin de W
Polymath. Visionary. Bitcoin expert & enthusiast. Senior technologist with over 20 years of experience. Looking for people who want to change the world with me. Co-FounderMariano Guerra
Interested in many topics in different fields, like to use technology to build solutions to people's problems. Co-FounderAndre Zayarni
Tech co-founder, engineering and product manager with over 10 years of software development experience. Interested in fintech, legal, prop and health tech. Co-Founder
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