Your search for "Startup Building" resulted in the following hits:
Venture Building & Modeling
Business Model Testing, Modeling & Venture Building Consulting & Coaching
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Hanna Willmann
I thrive on leading sales teams, optimizing processes with the power of numbers and working creatively with a get-things-done mentality. Co-FounderChristine Curtius
Enthusiastic about greentech/ lifecyle of EV Li-Ion Batteries/ Sustainability through Tech Employee Co-FounderDittmar Wilfling
Lasst uns eine Zukunft erschaffen in die wir reisen wollen würden!Start the green Revolution Co-FounderValentin Bachmann
Entrepreneur who loves to build and test new things, enjoys to work with interesting, passionate and motivated people. Co-FounderGizem irem Ugur
Embark on an entrepreneurial journey! Join me in shaping the future together with Eventmatching!
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