Mathematician with a strong academic mindset and a PhD in materials science, I've been an independent consultant since 2012 in the fields of algorithm development, machine learning and computer vision applications. In 2020, I've founded the firm Brains for hire; and in 2021 I've started
Co-founders with strong business skills and experience in healthtec
I offer
Know-how in AI, (medical) image processing, software solutions to complex problems.
Mathematician with a strong academic mindset and a PhD in materials science, I've been an independent consultant since 2012. In 2020, I've founded Brains for hire to help the clients with algorithm development, machine learning and computer vision applications, deep learning and data analytics.
I have positive experience leading technical teams with up to 10 members, while collaborating with other teams and departments. As entrepreneur I have a getting-things-done mindset. This mindset leads to deficits in such important areas as marketing and business development, as well as some lack of patience for organization and administration.
We use AI for accurate screening of retinal images for sight-threatening diseases. This solution will facilitate access to eye care for millions of people.
Jobs Listings
CEO needed for Healthcare startup
Business Developer
Sales Manager
Operations Manager