Bastian Sudhoff-profile-background-image

Bastian Sudhoff (he/him)

Builds up a team Is looking for support
Anything is possible with a great team!
Intro / About me

I am a banker and psychologist and I am passionate about providing everyone with the right psychological help.

I'm looking for

Amazing Employees

I offer

Ein solides Psychologie-Startup, welches schon erste Einnahmen hat und nun im Kernteam wachsen will.

28 years

Wir unterstützen Angehörige von psychisch Erkrankten Menschen mit der Situation umzugehen. #DerVergessenePatient

B2C Consulting Education
Lucoyo Health GmbH
Lucoyo Health GmbH

🚀EN: Lucoyo is the place where everyone can easily find the best fitting psychological help. 🚀DE: Der beste Ort, um passende psychologische Hilfe zu finden.

Healthcare Social Entrepreneurship Software Development
Jobs Listings
Full-Stack Web Developer - Digital Health Startup (m/w/d) - remote needed for Lucoyo - Der digitale Assistent für Psychotherapeuten

Employee Developer Developer (backend) Developer (frontend)