Über uns

InnovationLabs.Berlin - The startup and scaleup eco-system of Berlin, enabling companies to build transformational digital solutions.

Innovation Labs…
…for Moon Shooters, Change Pilots, and Brain Builders
Our online courses provide the essential skills in innovation & entrepreneurship required to transform ideas into reality and create sustainable impact.

…for Startups, Scaleups, and Corporates
Our workshops enable effective problem solving while supporting experiential learning of cutting edge creativity and innovation methods.

…for Schools, Universities and Educational Institutions
Our action based education courses in innovation leadership & entrepreneurship create sustainable impact through transferable skills.

We believe…
…only together we can solve today’s challenges and create real impact.
…more aha!moments and deeper insights create better answers.
…the best innovation experiences are action based small group activities.

We invented NanoLabs® and design and conduct online courses, workshops, and education classes to create a sustainable insight based culture.

Unsere Angebote

Startup Incubator and Accelerator as a Service

InnovationLabs.Berlin - The startup and scaleup eco-system of Berlin, enabling companies to build transformational digital solutions.

Förderung & Progamme
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