Über uns

Supporting startups with Digital Marketing, CMO roles, Strategy & Growth for SaaS products. Let's drive success together!

I'm currently seeking a digital marketing/CMO opportunity through Founderio. Previously, I've collaborated with companies like Squidex GmbH, Vancy GmbH, and Eftelya's Personal Branding, significantly impacting their startups. I believe I can bring the same success to your startup.

With 7 years of experience, I can assist with website development, ads, lead generation, graphic designing, video editing, SEO, media management, and creating effective landing pages. Let's schedule a meeting to discuss how I can support your growth and showcase my past work.

Unsere Angebote

Marketing Manager and CMO Support for Companies and SaaS Products

Supporting startups with Digital Marketing, CMO roles, Strategy & Growth for SaaS products. Let's drive success together!

Marketing & Reichweite
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