Das bringst du mit

- The knowledge of finance
- The enthusiasm to create Start up company
Du bist gut mit...
  • Zahlen, Daten und Logik
  • Dinge vorantreiben und erledigen
Du hast bereits...
  • als Vollzeitbeschäftigter gearbeitet

Das erwartet Dich

Our first mission is making running cost calculation & income plan to find the investors.

Das bieten wir

- High-level decision-making & sharing responsibilities for the
company’s growth
- Bonuses tied to future fundraising rounds or company milestones to
increase their compensation over time
- Potential for career progression rewarding to make social contributions
- Experience of leading a company through fundraising, scaling through
environmental conservation

Über unser Startup/Projekt

Are you interested in the ecosystem that is friendly for all, human, products & environment?

App/platform connects people who want to sell their unused items with those who are looking to purchase products.

- Creating an original App
- A focus on making the large variety of items easy to browse and shop
- Promotions that lead to makes consumers think that buying second-hand stuff is cool and sustainable.

All mobile users


need to discussed Gehalt
50:50 Anteile
11 / 2024 Startdatum
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Eröffnung einer eigenen Praxis

Unsere Vision ist die beste Plattform zu entwickeln, auf der Architekten und Fachplaner alle Objekte finden, die sie benötigen.

Wir wollen das Projektmanagement reformieren und Nachhaltigkeit ganzheitlich in das unternehmerische Denken integrieren